Quectel M65 is an ultra-small quad-band GSM/GPRS module using LCC castellation packaging on the market. With ultra-compact 17.7mm × 15.8mm × 2.4mm profile, it can meet the needs of small-size terminal products to the greatest extent, effectively helping customers to reduce product size and cost. Additionally, M65 is pin-to-pin compatible with Quectel GSM/GPRS M66 and M66 R2.0 modules, with highly competitive price.
M65 adopts surface mount technology, making it an ideal solution for durable and rugged designs. The low profile and small size of LCC package ensures M65 can be easily embedded into size-constrained applications, and provides reliable connectivity with applications. This kind of package is ideally suited for large-scale manufacturing which has strict requirements for cost and efficiency.
The compact form factor, low power consumption and extended temperature extend the applicability of M65 to a wide range of M2M applications such as wearable devices, industrial PDA, personal tracking, wireless POS, smart metering, telematics, etc.
Key Benefits
- Ultra-small quad-band GSM/GPRS module
- Easier soldering process with LCC package
- Power consumption as low as 1.2mA
- Support voice, QuecFOTA® and QuecLocator* functions
- Embedded powerful Internet service protocols, multiple sockets & IP addresses
- Fast time-to-market: simple product design, evaluation tools and timely technical support minimize design-in time and development efforts