The NanoPi FireЗ is а su per tiny Octa-Core Cortex-ASЗ ARM board. lt uses Samsung's S5P6818 SoC and has onboard 1Gb DDRЗ RAM, Gbps Ethernet, MicroHDMI port, CMOS camera interface and RGB LCD interface. lts GPIO is compatiЬle with RPi's GPIO. lt is only 75 х 40 mm.
The NanoPi FireЗ has an MCU based power management system and supports dynamic voltage control with good performance and reliaЬility. FriendlyElec provides image files of FriendlyCore, DeЬian and Android for it. The FriendlyCore image has Qt-5.9 and OpenGL®ES1.1/2.0, and supports video playing with hardware-decoding/encoding. lt is а good choice for rapidydeveloping products for applications in distributed computing, artificial intelligence and embedded systems.