Scan modules | Scan module Megahunt QE1801 - SATRON electronics

Scan module Megahunt QE1801

Scan module Megahunt QE1801
SoC MH1903S(QFN40)
Image Sensor 640 (Horizontal) X 480 (Vertical) CMOS
View Angle

Horizontal 70°, Vertical 55°

Depth of Field EAN-13 30~110mm(13mil)
Code128 30~120mm(15mil)
QR Code(Bus ticket):70~170mm
Wechat pay: 40~280mm
Barcode types

2D:QR Code,PDF417,DataMatrix

1D:EAN13,EAN8,UPC-A,UPC-E0,UPC-E1,Code128, Code39,Code93, CodaBar,Interleaved 2 of 5,Industrial 25,Matrix 2 of 5,Code11,MSI Plessey ,RSS-14,RSS-Limited,RSS-Expanded


Outer diameter 21mm±0.1mm,8.9mm±0.2mm H(with connector)

Interface TTL-Uart